PPRG Seminar on Commission on Taxation and Welfare: Pension Reform?

The PPRG seminar took place on Wednesday 13th September. It was a fantastic session, thanks to our presenters and all who attended. 

The presentations were:
- Commission on Taxation and Welfare: approach and proposals - Colm O'Reardon, Secretary of the COTW
- Responses to the Commission's proposals from Dr Micheál Collins (UCD), Jerry Moriarty (CEO IAPF), Colette Bennett (Social Justice Ireland)


PPRG Research Seminar 2023

The PPRG research seminar took place on 17th January 2023 in person at University College Dublin. Thanks to all who attended!

The papers presented were: 

Thank you to all of our presenters. 

PPRG Annual Conference 2022

Our annual conference took place on 17th June 2022 as an online event.

Session 1 - Reflections on the Pensions Commission
Presentations including:
The Pensions Commission and Self-employed, Dr Bridget McNally (Maynooth University)
The Pensions Commission: Some Unresolved Issues, Dr Jim Stewart (Trinity Business School)
Some Thoughts on Improving Life Expectancy, Inheritances & Taxation, Niall MacSuibhne (Former Civil Servant, Office of the Revenue Commissioners)

Session 2 - Time for Automatic Enrolment?
Presentations including:
An outline of Ireland's proposed auto-enrolment scheme, Tara Fennelly (South East Technological University Waterford)
An Examination of The Design Principles for Ireland’s Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System, Maureen Maloney (National University of Ireland Galway)
The Automatic Enrolment Experience for Savers in the UK, Dr Hayley James (University College Dublin)
The session concluded with a panel where the speakers were joined by Tim Duggan, Assistant Secretary General, Department of Social Protection. You can wathc this session again below.


PPRG 2020/2021 Webinar Series

The Pension Policy Research Group hosted a webinar on Wednesday September 23rd 2020. Our guest was Susan Kiuvalainen, who was interviewed by Maureen Maloney.

They discussed the 2017 Finnish pension reform and its key elements and choices designed to promote the financial and social sustainability of the pension system in Finland. The idea was to identify options and lessons relevant to the Irish context.

Susan Kiuvalainen has been the Head of Research at the Finnish Centre for Pensions since August 2013. She is in charge of the research in support of the evaluation and development of earnings-related pensions (ERPs) in Finland. Finland recently implemented pension reforms intended to secure the financing of ERPs, promote sufficient retirement income and achieve intergenerational fairness. The European Commission presented Finnish reforms as a model for a sustainable European pension solution.

Maureen Maloney is a Human Resource Management lecturer at the Cairnes School of Business and Economics, NUI Galway.

You can watch this seminar back below.


PPRG Conference 2019

The 2019 PPRG conference took place in the Business School at Trinity College on Friday June 21st. The theme was Objectives for Pillars 1 and 2 - Irish Pension Reform. The full programme is available here.

Slides from the introduction by Dr. Bridget McNally (Maynooth University) can be accessed here.

The slides from the presentations are here:

Dr. Emer Mulligan, School of Business and Economics, NUI Galway - Pensions in Ireland: The Perspectives of Irish Citizens and Implications for Pensions Systems and Reforms in Ireland and the EU

Dr. Micheál Collins, UCD - Tax-based incentives after Automatic Enrolment

Dr. Michelle Maher, Maynooth University - Automatic Enrolment in the UK and New Zealand: Lessons for Ireland


PPRG Conference 2018

The 2018 PPRG conference took place in the Business School at Trinity College on Friday June 29th. The theme was Objectives for Pillars 1 and 2 - Irish Pension Reform. The full programme is available here.

Slides from the introduction by Dr. Bridget McNally (Maynooth University) can be accessed here.

The slides from the presentations are here:

Maeve Hally and Professor Shane Whelan, UCD - An Analysis of the Taxation Supports for Private Pension Provision in Ireland

Maureen Maloney and Dr. Alma McCarthy, DEASP - Target Replacement Rate Study

Eamon Murphy, Social Justice Ireland - Achieving Universal Coverage - options for fairness and sustainability in the Irish Pensions System

The full report upon which Hally and Whelan's presentation was based is available here.


PPRG Conference 2017

The 2017 PPRG conference took place in the Business School at Trinity College on Friday October 6th. The full programme is available here.

The slides from the presentations are here:

John Turner, Pension Policy Center, Washington DC - The NEST: Role of the UK's Government-run Pension Plan in Automatic Enrolment

Dr. Jim Stewart, Trinity School of Business - Proposals for Automatic Enrolment in Ireland: some issues

Dr. Micheál Collins, UCD, and Dr. Michelle Maher, Maynooth University - Automatic Enrolment: into what, for whom, and how much?

Gerard Hughes, Trinity Business  School - Should Public or Private Pension Provision be Enhanced in Ireland?

Dr. Joe Larragy, Maynooth University - Changing the mix for teh sake of sustainability?


PPRG Conference 2016

The 2017 PPRG conference took place in the Business School at Trinity College on Tuesday June 21st. The full programme is available here.

The slides from the presentations are here:

Maureen Maloney & Alma McCarthy, NUIG - The risks of automatic enrolment for employees

Emer Mulligan & Dinali Wijeratne - Pensions and Taxation across the EU

Michelle Maher (Maynooth University) - Auto Enrolment - Why the single item agenda

Micheál Collins (NERI) & Gerry Hughes (Trinity College, Dublin) Tax Expenditure on Occupational Pension Schemes in Ireland - Relevance, Cost and Distribution

Nata Duvvury (NUIG) - Gender Implications of Extended Working Life policies

Joe Larragy - Mind the Gap! The divergence between age of retirement and agea of entitlement in Ireland

Jim Stewart - Income and wealth of retired people in Ireland

Eamon Murphy - A Universal Pension for Ireland